too much

I love it when they 
say I'm too much.

“Angelica is
too ambitious.”

Too outspoken.
Too confident.
Too much.

They’re right.

But here’s the thing. When you start a national broadcasting career at 15 — without connections, clout or cash — ambition is what drives you.

When you become one of Glamour magazine’s 35 Under 35 Running Hollywood, that confidence keeps you going.

And when you finally hold that Emmy award in your hands, you know your too much is what made it possible.

Angelica went from humble beginnings in Minnesota to a groundbreaking career in Hollywood. Despite obstacles and naysayers, she realized she could accomplish anything with hard work and unrelenting determination. 

She got her start at 15 as a national radio host. In 2005 she become a producer on the Emmy award-winning Tyra Banks Show. In 2010 she joined CBS to launch The Talk and became network television’s youngest Head of Daytime.

Angelica has been recognized with seven Imagen Awards for her work in entertainment and founded Raise Women, a mentorship organization connecting women at the beginning of their careers with leaders.

The accomplishment Angelica is most proud of is her two daughters who inspire her mission to help others earn a seat at the table or create their own.

"I love when they say I’m too much.

Because you don't get anywhere worth going by being  just enough of anything."

- Angelica Rosas McDaniel